Before there was a Jackson-Tougaloo Alumni Chapter, there was a Jackson-Tougaloo Club. Nearly a century ago, in 1926, this union of alumni and friends donated funds that supported the endeavors of our school. Our chapter has a growing membership and welcome new members to join us at anytime. Annual dues are just $20. Go to our “JOIN JTAC” page for more information.
President – Dr. James Curtis Smith
Vice President – Carolyn White
Treasurer – Dr. Mary Jones
Secretary – Kisa Harris
Corresponding Secretary/Membership – Leona Bishop
Chaplain – Dr. Brigetta Turner
Parliamentarian – Dr. Percy Anderson, Jr.
Our chapter meets on the 4th Sunday of September until April at 3:00 PM. Meetings are held monthly in the Lucille Fraser Conference Room located in the basement of Woodworth Chapel on the campus of Tougaloo College.